Wednesday Zoom group party

We are changing our Zoom party from the last Wednesday of the month in June, to this coming Wednesday, June 19th. We are excited to announce that we’re having a Zoom party in honor of Jacques Dallaire.  Jacques is taking the summer off as he’s been dancing, teaching and leading dances with us for 3 years!  And though Jacques will be back in September to rejoin us, we wanted to have a party in his honour! 

Many of you, including our own team, love doing the dances Jacques has taught and danced with us over the past 3 years and so have made dance requests for Jacques to lead at the party as well as requests for Bev, Debbie and Lori to lead. We think you’ll really enjoy this variety of dances for our Zoom party program! 

Join us for chat time at 12:45 pm.

Subsequent Zoom parties will continue to be on the last Wednesday of the month 1:00 – 3:00 pm (Pacific Time)

To join our Zoom session, click on the link below
ID: 995 0493 2576
Passcode: Bifd  (Upper case B followed by lower case ifd)

For more information and to be on our weekly email list contact us at .

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