Come dance with us on Tuesday evenings at Charles Rummel Centre in Burnaby from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Doors open at 6:45 to get ready for the warm-up dances starting at 7:00. Drop-in is $7. First time is FREE. No partner or costume required. On October 29th, will be our month-end Halloween party. In the spirit of festivities, we’re encouraging costumes, hats, etc. and please bring a treat to share with everyone.
Come dance with us on Wednesdays from 1:00 – 3:00 pm (Pacific Time). Join us weekly for this free Balkan and International dancing on Zoom. Tune in at 12:45 pm for chat time. Our monthly parties are the last Wednesday of every month from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm (Pacific Time). All party dances are led by one of our team members and there is no teaching.
On October 30th, we are celebrating our Zoom 4 year anniversary and excited that we have four special guests to help us celebrate, Jaap Leegwater, Lee Otterholt, Dale Adamson and Cricket Raybern. For our anniversary party, we are extending our start time to 12:00 pm (Pacific Time) and end time to 3:15 pm (Pacific Time) so we can fit in all the dances our guests and our team will be leading for you all to join in with us. Please help us spread the word and tell your folk dance friends about our anniversary party.
To join our Zoom session, click on the link below
ID: 995 0493 2576
Passcode: Bifd (Upper case B followed by lower case ifd)