Come dance with us Tuesday & Wednesdays and upcoming parties

On February 25th is our month-end party. Please bring a snack to share with everyone. We dance on Tuesday evenings at Charles Rummel Centre in Burnaby from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm. Doors open at 6:45 to get ready for the warm-up dances starting at 7:00. Drop-in is $7. First time is FREE. No partner or costume required. 

On February 26th, is our month-end Zoom party.  All party dances are led by one of our team members.  Please invite your dance friends who prefer Zoom dancing when there is no teaching just someone leading the dances. Everyone is welcome!

Come join us for this FREE weekly Balkan and International dancing Zoom session.  We are open to all who are interested in joining us!  Weekly Wednesday dance sessions are from 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm (Pacific Time). Chat time is a 12:45 pm. Please feel free to stay logged in after the dance program for our friendly meet and greet social time.

To join our Zoom session, click on the link below

ID: 995 0493 2576

Passcode: Bifd (Upper case B followed by lower case ifd)

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